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Description of the medicine: Tannin (Tanninum, Acidum tannicum)

TANIN (Tanninum, Acidum tannicum).

Gallodubilic acid. It is obtained from ink nuts (Galella turcicae), growths on young shoots of the Little Asian oak or from domestic plants - Sumach (Rhus coriaria L.) and scumpia (Cotinus coggygria Ssor., Rhus. Cotinus L.), Sem. Sumacovye (Anacardiacae).

Light yellow or brownish yellow amorphous powder with a weak distinctive odor, astringent taste. Easily soluble in water and alcohol. Aqueous solutions form precipitates with alkaloids, solutions of protein and gelatin, salts of heavy metals.

Applied as an astringent and a local anti-inflammatory agent.

The astringent effect of tannin and other astringents is related to their ability to cause the precipitation of proteins to form dense albumins. When applied to mucous membranes or to the wound surface, they cause a partial coagulation of mucus or wound exudate proteins and lead to the formation of a film protecting from irritation, sensitive nerve endings of the underlying tissues. In this case, a reduction in pain, local vasoconstriction, restriction of secretion, as well as direct compaction of cell membranes contribute to a decrease in the inflammatory response.

Tannin is prescribed for inflammatory processes in the mouth, nose, throat, larynx in the form of rinses (1 - 2% aqueous or glycerol solution) and lubrication (5-10%) for burns, ulcers, cracks, bedsores (3 - 5 - 10% Ointments and solutions). Inside the tannin (as an antidiarrheal agent) is not taken, since it primarily interacts with the proteins of the gastric mucosa; When ingested in large doses causes loss of appetite and indigestion. You should not appoint tannin in the form of enemas; With cracks in the rectum, the formation of thrombi is possible.

In connection with the fact that with salts of alkaloids and heavy metals, tannin forms insoluble compounds, it is often used for oral poisoning with these substances; It is recommended to wash the stomach with a 0.5% aqueous solution of tannin. It should be noted that with some alkaloids (morphine, cocaine, atropine, nicotine, physostigmine), tannin forms unstable compounds, so when rinsing they should be carefully removed from the stomach.

Tannin is a part of the antiseptic liquid of Novikov (see).

Storage: in a tightly ukuporennoy container in a dry place.

R: Tannini 3, 0 (5, 0)

Aq. Destill. 100 ml

M.DS For lubricating the skin (with burns of II degree)

RR .: Таnnini 2, 0

Glicerini 20.0

T-rae Iodi 1 ml

M.DS For lubricating the gums

RR: Sol. Tanni 0.5% 2000 ml