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Description of the medicine: Mentholum (Mentholum)

MENTOLUM. 2-Isopropyl-5-methylcyclohexanol-1.

Colorless crystals with a strong smell of peppermint and a chilling taste. Very little soluble in water, very easy - in alcohol, ether, acetic acid, easily - in fatty oils.

When grinding menthol with camphor, chloral hydrate, thymol and some other substances, liquefying (eutectic) mixtures are formed.

Menthol is made from mint oil, as well as synthetically (optically active 1-isomer and racemic).

When rubbed into the skin and applied to mucous membranes, menthol causes irritation of nerve endings, accompanied by a feeling of cold, slight burning and tingling, has a mild local anesthetic effect; Has also weak antiseptic properties.

Outwardly appointed as an analgesic (distracting) remedy.

With neuralgia, myalgia, arthralgia, it is recommended to rub 2% alcohol solution or 10% oily suspension; With itching dermatoses apply 0.5% alcohol solution or 1% lanolin-vaseline ointment.

When migraine is used also in the form of a menthol pencil (Stilus Mehntholi), containing 1 g of menthol, 3, 5 g of paraffin and 0.5 g of ceresin; With a pencil rub the skin in the area of ​​the temples.

In inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract (runny nose, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, etc.), menthol is prescribed for lubrication and inhalation, and also in the form of drops in the nose.

To children of early age, lubrication of the nasopharynx with menthol is contraindicated, since reflex suppression and respiratory arrest are possible.

Inside, menthol is prescribed as a sedative, often in combination with a tincture of valerian, belladonna, etc. Menthol is occasionally used for mild forms of angina, as it can reflexively (as a result of irritation of the receptors of the mucous membrane, oral cavity) cause the dilatation of the coronary vessels. Validol). Assign 2 to 3 drops of a 5% solution, prepared with 70% alcohol. Apply to a piece of sugar or bread, which should be put under the tongue for a faster or fuller action of the drug.

Menthol is an integral part of a number of combined ready-made medicines (see below) and various extemporal prescriptions.

Form release: powder; Menthol oil 1% and 2%; A solution of menthol alcohol 1% and 2%, a menthol pencil (in a plastic case).

Storage: in a well ukuporennoy container in a cool place.

Rp .: Mentholi 1, 0

Spiritus aethylici 90% 50 ml

MDS Menthol alcohol solution

External (for grinding)

Rp .: Ol. Mentholi 1% (2%) l0 ml

DS Drops in the nose (5 to 10 drops each)

Rp .: Mentholi 0.1

Phenylii salicylatis 0.3

Ol. Vaselini 9, 6 ml

MDS Drops in the nose (available in ready-made form in vials of 10 g)

Rp .: Mentholi 0.1

Ol. Persicorum 10.0

MDS For steam inhalations with tracheitis (15 to 20 drops per glass of water)

Rp .: Mentholi 0.2

T-rae Belladonnae

T-rae Convallariae aa 5 ml

Sol. Nitroglycerini 2% 2 ml

MDS Take internally 10 - 12 drops 2 - 3 times a day (for mild forms of angina pectoris)

Menthol oil 1% or 2% (Oleum Methanol 1% abut 2%) is a solution of menthol (natural or synthetic racemic) in vaseline oil.