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Description medications: Eucalyptus leaves (Folia Eucalypti viminalis)

Eucalyptus leaves (Folia Eucalypti viminalis).

Harvested in late autumn, winter or early spring, and the dried leaves of cultivated eucalyptus tree (Eucalyptus viminalis Labill.), Sem. mirtovyk (Murtaseae).

Contain ethereal oil (at least 1% in whole leaves and cut into 0.8%).

The essential oil and other substances contained in the leaves (tannin, etc..), Have a stimulating effect on the mucous membranes of the receptors also exhibit weak local anti-inflammatory and antiseptic activity.

Decoction and infusion of eucalyptus and eucalyptus oil is used as antiseptic for rinsing and inhalation in upper respiratory tract diseases, as well as for the treatment of fresh and infected wounds, inflammatory zabolevanmy female genital mutilation (lotions, washing).

To rinse and inhalation broth is prepared as follows: 10 g of leaves pour a glass of cold water and boil on low heat for 15 minutes, cooled and filtered; take 1 tablespoon per cup of water.

Product: dried leaves 100 g in paper bags and briquettes.

Briquette eucalyptus leaf (Vriketum folii Eusalupti) is made from crushed leaves. Briquette rectangular measuring 120 x 65 x 10 cm, weight of 100 g; split grooves 10 to 10 equal slices for g.

To prepare the broth by the above method takes one slice at a glass of water.

Tincture of eucalyptus (Tinctura Eusalurti). Tincture (1: 5) at 70% alcohol. Transparent liquid greenish-brown in color with a distinctive smell.

Assign inside as anti-inflammatory and antiseptic in inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract and oral cavity, sometimes as a sedative.

It is taken 15 - 30 drops; rinse - 10 - 15 drops per cup of water. Also used for steam inhalation.

Product: in bottles of 25 ml.

Storage: Keep in a cool, dark place.

Eucalyptus oil (O leum Eusalypti) contains at least 60% cineol, pinene, and other substances. Flowing transparent liquid, colorless or slightly colored in yellow color, with a characteristic odor of cineol, odorless turpentine. The density of 0.910 - 0.930.

Applied as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent, for rinsing and inhalation in inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract (15 - 20 drops per cup of water).

Product: in bottles of 25 ml.

Included in the complex preparation for inhalation "Ingalipt" (see.).

Rp .: Inf. fol. Eusalypti 10.0: 200 ml

DS To rinse (1 tablespoon per cup of water)

Rp .: Ol. Eusalypti 10.0

Mentholi 1, 0.

MDS For steam inhalation (15 - 20 drops per cup of water)

See. Also pill "Pektusin" drops "Evkatol" ointment "Efkamon" (see. Menthol).

Purified amount of terpenoid fenolaldegidov and triterpenoids derived from the leaves or shoots ekvlipta prutovidnogo sold under the name: "Evkalimin" (. Cm) is used as a bacteriostatic agent.