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Description of the medicine: Turpentine purified oil (Oleum Terebinthinae rectificatum)

OIL TERPENTINE CLEANSED OIL (Oleum Terebinthinae rectificatum).

Turpentine purified. Essential oil obtained by distilling gum from pine (Pineus silvestris L.), family. Of pine trees (Pinaceae).

The main constituent of turpentine is hydrogenated hydrocarbon-pinene.

Transparent colorless mobile liquid with a characteristic smell and burning taste. Insoluble in water, soluble in 12 parts of alcohol. It is mixed in all proportions with ether, chloroform, benzene.

Provides local irritating, distracting (analgesic) and antiseptic action. The distraction is due to the ability of turpentine (as well as other essential oils) to penetrate the epidermis and cause in the body reflex changes as a result of stimulation of the skin receptors; A certain role is also played by the release of biologically active substances from the skin, in particular histamine.

Assign mostly externally in ointments and liniments for rubbing with neuralgia, myositis, lumboschialgia, rheumatism, sometimes used inside and for inhalation in putrefactive bronchitis, bronchiectasis and other lung diseases.

Contraindicated in lesions of the liver and kidney parenchyma.

Product: in bottles of 50 g.

Turpentine ointment (Unguentum Tebebinthinae) contains 20 g of terpentine purified oil, 80 g of emulsion of a consistent (water-Vaseline).

Product: in glass jars to 50 g.

Storage: in a cool, dark place.

Also available is an ointment containing 20 g of terpentine purified oil, 10 g of camphor, 40 g of pork fat, 10 g of paraffin, and 100 g of Vaseline.

Ointment is used as a distracting and anti-inflammatory agent.

Liniment turpentine complex (Linimentum olei Tebebinthinae commrositum) contains 40 ml of terpentine purified oil, 20 ml of chloroform; 40 ml of white or dope oil.

Apply externally for grinding with neuralgia, myositis, rheumatism.

Product: in bottles of 80 ml.

Storage: in a cool, dark place.

Rp .: Ol. Terebinthinae, rectificati 10 ml

DS For 10 to 15 drops per glass of hot water (for inhalation)

Rp .: 0l. Terebinthinae rectificati

Chloroformii aa 15 ml

Methylii salicylatis 10 ml

Mf linim.