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Description of the medicine: Dandelion roots (Radices Taraxaci)

The roots of the dandy (Radices Taraxaci).

Collected in the summer (in August), cleared of rhizomes and root neck and dried roots of the wild-growing perennial herbaceous dandelion plant medicinal (Taraxacum officinale Web.), The family. Astroids (Asteraceae).

Contain glycoside and other substances.

Applied as bitterness for the excitation of appetite, with constipation and as a cholagogue. A teaspoon of finely chopped root is brewed like tea in a glass of boiling water, insisted for 20 minutes, cooled, filtered. Take 1/4 cup 3 - 4 times a day.

Product: in cardboard packs of 100 g.

Extract of dandelion thick (Exxtum tahahasi spissum). Thick extract of brown color. Soluble in water with a cloudy solution.

They are used as co-stabilizers in the manufacture of pills.