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Description of the medicine: Ammonia solution 10% (Solutio Ammonii caustici 10%)

AMMONIA SOLUTION 10% (Solutio Ammonii caustici 10%).

Synonyms: Ammonium alcohol, Liquor Ammonii caustici, Ammonium causticum solutum.

Transparent colorless volatile liquid with a sharp characteristic odor, a strongly alkaline reaction. Miscible with water and alcohol in all proportions. Contains 9, 5 - 10,5% ammonia.

When inhaled, it exerts a reflex effect on the respiratory center, acting through the receptors of the upper respiratory tract (end of the trigeminal nerve).

At high concentrations, ammonia can cause a reflex stop of breathing.

They are used as an ambulance to stimulate respiration and remove patients from syncope, for which they carefully bring a small piece of cotton wool or gauze moistened with ammonia to the nasal apertures (0.5-1 sec) or apply a braided ampoule. When the tip of the ampoule breaks off, the cotton-gauze braid is impregnated with a solution.

Sometimes taken internally as an emetic (5 to 10 drops per 100 ml of water); Use only in diluted form.

When biting insects are used externally in the form of lotions.

In surgical practice it is used for washing hands by the method of Spasokukotsky and Kochergin (25 ml per 5 liters of warm boiled water). The solution has an antimicrobial effect and cleanses the skin well.

Local application of ammonia solution is contraindicated for dermatitis, eczema and other skin diseases.

The intake of undiluted preparation causes burns of the esophagus and stomach.

Form release: in bottles (with ground glass stoppers) of 10; 40 and 100 ml and in ampoules of 1 ml (with braiding) in a package of 10 pieces.

Storage: in a cool place.

Drops are ammonia-anise (see).

Elixir of the thoracic (see).

Liniment ammoniac (Linimentum ammoniatum) contains 25 grams of ammonia solution, 74 g of sunflower oil, 1 g of oleic acid. The thick liquid is yellowish white with the smell of ammonia.

Applied for grinding with neuralgia, myositis, etc.