Attention! The information is for reference purposes!
Before taking you should consult with a doctor!
SITE GUIDE ONLY. Not a pharmacy! We do not sell drugs! Nothing!

Description medications: Salt artificial Carlsbad (Sal carolinum factitium)

SALT ARTIFICIAL Karlovy Vary (Sal carolinum factitium).

Composition: 22 parts of sodium sulfate, 18 parts of sodium carbonate, 9 parts sodium chloride, 1 part of potassium sulfate.

White powder. Soluble in water (1:10). It serves as a substitute for natural tion Vřídelní salt.

Used as a laxative and cholagogue.

As an adult laxatives administered on an empty stomach 1 tablespoon, children (2 - 6 years) - 1 teaspoon in 1/2 cup of water at room temperature.

As choleretic take 1 teaspoon in a glass of warm water (40 - 45 "C) for LP - 45 minutes before eating.

Before use, the contents of the package or cans are thoroughly stirring. Dissolve in boiling water.

Product: in glass jars or bags of 125 g

Storage: a well-sealed jars in a cool, dry place.

Natural Vřídelní salt composition and action close to the artificial Carlsbad salt.