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Before taking you should consult with a doctor!
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Description medications: plantain leaves (Folia Plantaginis majoris)

Leaves of Plantago major (Folia Plantaginis majoris).

Collected during the flowering and dried leaves of wild and cul tiviruemogo perennial herb plantain (Rlan tago major L.), herewith. plantaginaceae (Rlantaginaseae), which grows all over the territory of our country.

They contain polysaccharides, glycoside rinantin, carotene, vitamin C, Dubiley nye substance.

Used as an expectorant (1 tablespoon chennyh shredding leaves insist in a glass of boiling water for 15 minutes, strain and accepted toil and 1 tablespoon 2 - 3 times a day).

Available also in the form of briquettes. One briquette insist on a glass of boiled water for 15 minutes, strain, take 2 tablespoons 2 to 3 times a day.

Product: chopped raw material in paper bags per 100 g

Rp .: Inf. fol. Rlantaginis 10.0: 200 ml

DS At 1 tablespoon 3 - 4 times a day

The resulting preparations of plantain leaves "psyllium Juice" (cm.) And "Plantaglyutsnd" (see.) Is used as the bitterness under reduced APME Tite gipatsidnyh and gastritis.