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Description of the medicine: Alveofakt

Alveofakt *.

A highly purified natural surfactant derived from light bovine animals.

Suspension for intratracheal instillation.

The drug is proposed for use in the syndrome of respiratory failure (distress syndrome) in newborns (prematurity), associated with a deficit of surfactant.

The drug is administered by intratracheal instillation.

Enter for the first hour after birth at a dose of 1, 2 ml per 1 kg of body weight, then, if necessary, repeat the introduction of 3 more times in the following days - only 4 single doses.

Apply the drug in combination with artificial ventilation and other necessary means and methods of therapy.

Alveofakt is a representative of a fundamentally new group of drugs that need in-depth study. Currently, a search and study of new similar means is under way.