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Before taking the course, consult a doctor!
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Description of the medicine: Lantoside (Lantosidum)

Lantoside (Lantosidum).

Novogalenovy drug, containing alcohol (70%) solution of the sum of glycosides from the leaves of digitalis woolly. Transparent liquid of a yellow-green or green color, bitter taste, with an alcohol smell.

Contains in 1 ml 9-12 ICE or 1, 5 - 1, 6 QED, which according to activity corresponds to approximately 0.2 g of purple foxglove leaves.

Acts like alcohol solutions of the sum of glycosides from the foxglove purple, but is absorbed more quickly; Has a smaller cumulative effect.

Applied mainly in outpatient practice for maintenance therapy for chronic circulatory failure of I, II and III degree, accompanied by tachycardia, tachyarrhythmia and atrial fibrillation.

Take inside 15 to 20 drops 2 to 3 times a day. With the emergence of dyspeptic phenomena, lantozide can be administered in the form of microclysters (20-30 drops in 20 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution).

Higher doses for adults inside: single 25 drops, daily 75 drops.

Product: in bottles of orange glass to 15 ml.

Storage: List B. In a cool, sheltered from the world place.

RR .: Lantosidi 15 ml

DS For 15 - 20 drops 2 - 3 times a day

RR .: Lantosidi 15 ml