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Description medications: Strofantin to (Strophanthinus K)

Strofantinom K (Strophanthinus K).

Strofantin K - a mixture of cardiac glycosides, extracted from the seeds strophanthus Combe, and contains mainly K-strofantin- b and K-strofantozid.

K b strofantin- strofantidina composed of aglycone and sugar moiety (glucose and tsimaroza); K-strofantozid has added one part a -D glucose.

Strofantin K - white or white with a slightly yellowish white crystal-crystal powder. It is soluble in water and alcohol. In 1 g contains 43000 58000 or ICE 5800 - 7100 CUD.

It is the main representative of the "polar" cardiac glycosides.

Strophanthin is characterized by high efficiency, speed and short duration of action. The effect of intravenous injection is 5 - 10 minutes, reaching a maximum of 15 - Points min. Especially pronounced in strofantina systolic action; it is relatively little effect on heart rate and conductivity bundle branch block.

The drug belongs to malostoykim glycosides; ingestion it is ineffective. Practically it does not possess a cumulative effect, however, if the patient previously prescribed other drugs cardiac glycosides, it is necessary to intravenous strofantina to take a break, since the action strofantina can be added to the accumulated effect of digitalis glycosides in the body and cause toxic effects.

The duration of the break - an average of about 5 days, but if we take nyalis drugs with a strong cumulative effect (digitoxin), a break should be increased so 10 - 14 days.

Applied with acute cardiovascular disease, including on the basis of acute myocardial infarction; in severe forms of chronic circulatory failure II and III level, especially in inefficient treatment of digitalis drugs. Strofantin due to the weak influence on the function of the vagus nerve can be administered at a cardiac decompensation with normal heart rate or bradisistolicheskay form of atrial fibrillation.

When tahikardicheskoy form of atrial fibrillation are more effective and digoxin izolanid.

Strophanthin is administered intravenously in a 0.025% solution usually 0.25 mg (1 mL), at least 0.5 mg. The solution is pre-diluted strofantina 10 - 20 ml of 5%, 20% or 40% glucose solution or isotonic sodium chloride solution. Administered slowly (over 5 - 6 min), as a quick introduction can cause shock. Administered once (rarely 2 times) a day. You can enter strofantina drip solution in 100 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution or 5% glucose solution. When drip rarely observed toxic effects.

sometimes administered intramuscularly strofantin If unable to intravenous administration. To reduce pain (painful intramuscular injection sharply) pretreated with 5 ml of 2% novocaine solution, and then through the same needle - strofantina desired dose, diluted in 1 ml of a 2% novocaine solution. In intramuscular dose is increased to 1, 5 times.