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Description of the medicine: Diprophenum

Diprophenum. B-Dipropylaminoethyl ester of diphenylthioacetic acid hydrochloride.

Synonyms: Diprofenum, Diprofene.

White or white with a slightly yellowish tinge crystalline powder. Slightly soluble in water (1: 200), easily - in alcohol.

On the chemical structure and pharmacological properties is close to the previously manufactured "Tiefen". Both drugs have pronounced spasmolytic activity. Compared with tifen less toxic, has a less irritating effect and a stronger vasodilating effect. By holinoliticheskoy activity inferior to tifene.

Diprofen is used as an antispasmodic agent for spasms of blood vessels, especially with spasms of the vessels of the extremities (endarteritis, Raynaud's disease, etc.). Assign also for spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs (spasms of the stomach, intestines, urinary tracts, bronchi).

There are data on the effectiveness of diprofen in vasomotor cephalalgia on the soil of arterial hypertension.

Take inside at 0,025 - 0,05 g 2 - 3 times a day. With good tolerability, a single dose can be increased to 0.1 g. Spasmolytic action develops gradually. The effect of endarteritis (pain reduction, improvement of blood circulation, etc.) is usually observed from the 5th to the 7th day of treatment. The course of treatment is 15 - 20 days. If necessary, repeat treatment.

The drug is usually well tolerated. In some cases, dizziness, headache, nausea are possible. In connection with the local anesthetic effect, there may be a feeling of numbness in the mucous membrane of the oral cavity (especially when taken as a powder).

Product: tablets of 0.05 g.

Storage: List B. In a dry place.