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Description of the medicine: Naphthyrofuryl (Naftidrofuryl)

NAFTIDROFURYL (Naftidrofuryl) *. B-Diethylamine ester of a, a - (1-naphthalenylmethyl) -b tetrahydrofuryl-2) propionic acid.

Produced in the form of oxalate.

Synonyms: Duzodryl, Citoxid, Dubimax, Dusodril, Fuxaten, Iridax, Nafronyl, Naftiflux, Naftifurine, Praxilene and others.

The structure and pharmacological properties are similar to diprofen, in part - with gangleron.

The drug expands the peripheral vessels (arteries), improves blood supply, oxygen supply of tissues, as well as blood circulation in the vessels of the brain, the retina of the eye and other organs.

Assign for violations of blood circulation in peripheral vessels, especially the lower extremities (intermittent claudication, Raynaud's disease, etc.), with trophic tissue disorders (bedsores, long-term healing ulcers, etc.), as well as disorders of cerebral circulation, blood supply to the fundus, etc. .

Take 1 - 2 tablets (0.1 g) or capsules 3 times a day. It is also available as a solution in injectable ampoules.