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Description of the medicine: Captopril (Captopril)

CAPTOPRIL (Captopril). 1 - [(2S) -3-Mercapto-2-methylpropionyl] -L-proline.

Synonyms: Kapoten, Tenziomin, Acepril, Aceten, Alopresin, Capoten, Capril, Captolane, Captoril, Catopil, Lopirin, Properil, Tensiomin, Tensoprel and others.

Captopril is the first synthetic inhibitor of the angiotensin-converting enzyme used in medical practice. Until now, he is the main representative of this group of medicines.

Assign captopril for the treatment of hypertension and congestive heart failure.

As an antihypertensive agent is used in various forms of hypertension, including in cases that are resistant to other antihypertensive drugs, with renovascular hypertension.

There are data on the effectiveness of captopril in hypertension in patients with chronic nephritis. However, it must be taken into account that the use of the drug may develop proteinuria and nephrosis-like syndrome.

Captopril is effective in congestive heart failure, including cases resistant to other drugs (diuretics, cardiac glycosides, etc.), with a combination of heart failure with arterial hypertension, heart failure in patients with IHD, bronchospastic states.

Captopril leads to the expansion of peripheral (mainly resistant) vessels, lowering blood pressure, reducing pre- and post-loading on the myocardium and heart failure, improving blood circulation in the small circle and respiratory function, reducing the resistance of renal vessels and improving blood circulation in the kidneys.

There is evidence of increased captopril antianginal action of nitrosorbide; It is recommended to administer captopril with nitrates in resistance to the latter and to reduce the development of tolerance.

Assign captopril inside. Therapeutic doses for adults from 37, 5 to 150 mg per day (12, 5 - 50 mg 3 times a day); For children - at the rate of 1 - 2 mg / kg per day.

The duration of treatment depends on the course of the disease, the effectiveness and tolerability of the drug (20 - 30 days or more).

For hypertensive crises, sublingual use is possible (25 mg).

With the correct selection of doses, captopril is usually well tolerated. At high doses, blood pressure can be greatly reduced. Possible tachycardia, headache, loss of appetite, a violation of taste, skin allergic reactions, neutropenia. In addition, proteinuria and nephrosis-like syndrome can be observed.

Contraindications: pregnancy, breast-feeding, leuko- and thrombopenia.

Product: tablets of 25; 50 or 100 mg in a package of 20 - 30 pieces.

Storage: List B. In the dark place.