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Description medications: bearberry leaves (Folia Arctostaphyli Uvae ursi)

Bearberry leaves (Folia Arctostaphyli Uvae ursi).

Synonym: Bearish ear.

Harvested in the spring before and at the beginning of flowering or in autumn from the beginning of ripening until the snow cover leaves of wild bushes bearberry [Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Spreng.], Sem. heather (Erisaseae).

bearberry leaves contain arbutin glycoside (6%), fissile in the body to form hydroquinone, organic acids, tannins (30 - 35%) and other substances.

Administered orally in the form of infusion or decoction as a diuretic and disinfectant for inflammatory diseases of the bladder and urinary tract. Disinfectant effect attributed mainly excreted in urine hydroquinone.

Product: chopped raw material of 100 g in carton packs.

Rp .: Decocti fol. Uvae ursi 10,0: 180 ml

DS At 1 tablespoon 5 - 6 times a day

Rp .: Desosti fol. Uvae ursi 3, 0: 100 ml

DS At 1 dessert spoon 4 times a day a child 5 years

Also produced briquettes bearberry leaves (Vriketum Folii Uvae ursi). Tile briquettes rectangular lobes 10 of 10 g each.

One slice preform (10 g) were placed in an enamel dish, pour 200 ml (1 cup) of hot boiled water, capped, and heated in boiling water (water bath) for 30 minutes, cool 10 minutes at room temperature, filtered. The remaining raw materials squeeze. The volume of the resulting broth was adjusted with boiled water to 200 ml.

Is the interior in the form of heat in 1/3 - 1/2 cup 3 - 4 times a day 40 minutes after eating.

Storage: bricks - in a dry, dark place; cooked broth - in a cool place (not more than 2 days). Before the broth should use to shake up.

bearberry leaves are part of the diuretic fees.

Collection diuretic N 1 (Species diuretisae N 1). Ingredients: 3 parts of bearberry leaves, flowers cornflower and licorice root to 1 part. One tablespoon to make a glass of boiling water, insist 20 minutes, cool, strain; accept, 1 tablespoon 3 - 4 times a day (as directed by a physician).

Collection diuretic N 2 (Sresies diuretisae N 2). Ingredients: bearberry leaves and fruits of juniper 2 parts, 1 part of licorice root.