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Description of the medicine: Desaminooxytocin (Desaminooxytocinum)

Desaminooxytocin (Desaminooxytocinum).

Synonyms: Sandopart, Demoxytocin, Demoxytocinum, Sandopart.

A synthetic polypeptide different from oxytocin in that cysteine ​​at position 1 is deaminated.

White amorphous powder. It is soluble in water and alcohol.

By action deaminooxytocin is close to oxytocin, but it is resistant to enzymes that destroy oxytocin. The drug is well absorbed through the oral mucosa, it is not decomposed by saliva enzymes, so it can be used transbuccally.

The specific activity of deaminooxytocin (as well as oxytocin) is expressed in units of action (ED or IU) and is determined biologically, by reducing the isolated horn of the rat uterus.

The drug has no vasopressor effect, which makes it possible to prescribe it to patients suffering from hypertension.

They are used to stimulate and strengthen labor activity, accelerate the involution of the uterus in the postpartum period and stimulate lactation.

Take in the form of tablets. Each tablet contains 50 units of the drug. The tablet is laid on the cheek alternately on the right and left sides and held in the mouth (without chewing and not swallowing) until complete resorption (about 30 minutes).

For rodovozbuzhdeniya and stimulation of childbirth appoint pills again with an interval of 30 minutes. The number of tablets varies depending on the characteristics of the case. Usually the maximum dose for excitation and stimulation of labor is 500 units (10 tablets), in rare cases - 900 units. When regular, violent contractions occur, the next single dose of deaminooxytocin is halved (1/2 tablet) or the interval between administrations is increased (1 hour). If there is no effect, the drug can be taken again after 24 hours.

During the application of deaminooxytocin, other oxytocic agents should not be administered.

To stimulate lactation, from the second to the sixth day of the postpartum period, 25 to 50 units (1/2 - 1 tablet) are prescribed for 5 minutes before the baby is fed 2 to 4 times a day.

Contraindications are the same as for oxytocin.

Form release: tablets containing 50 ED, in banks of orange glass for 10 pieces.

Storage: List B. In dry, the dark place at a temperature of no higher than +25 C.