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Description of the medicine: Danazol (Danazol)

DANAZOL (Danazol). 17 a-Pregna-2, 4-dien-20-inno (2, 3-) isoxazol-17-ol.

Synonyms: Danoval, Bonzol, Cyclomen, Danocrine, Danogar, Danokrin, Danol, Danoval, Ladogar, Lodogal and others.

The drug inhibits the release of pituitary gonadotropic hormones (luteinizing and follicle-stimulating). In large doses has a moderate androgenic and anabolic effect.

In connection with the antigonadotropic action used in the treatment of endometriosis with concomitant infertility, benign neoplasms of the mammary gland (fibrocystic mastitis, etc.), premenstrual syndrome, gynecomastia and other diseases in which suppression of gonadotropin secretion is indicated.

Assign inside capsules.

The dose for adults is 200 to 800 mg per day (in 2 to 4 divided doses). Doses and treatment terms are individualized depending on the disease, the effectiveness of therapy, the tolerability of the drug.

Adolescents are prescribed 100-400 mg per day for premature puberty.

With the use of danazol, nausea, dizziness, headache, alopecia, skin rashes, acne, skin fatigue, fluid retention, mild hirsutism, coarsening of the voice and other virilization phenomena are possible.

Contraindicated in pregnancy, lactation, porphyria. Caution should be observed in the treatment of patients with cardiac and renal insufficiency, diabetes mellitus.

Do not prescribe danazol simultaneously with anticonvulsant drugs and anticoagulants (possibly enhancing the effect).

Form release: capsules containing 0.1 and 0.2 g (100 or 200 mg) of danazol.

Storage: List B.