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Description medications: karbutamida (Carbutamide)

Karbutamida (Carbutamide).

N (p-aminobenzenesulfonyl) -N-butylurea.

Synonyms: bucarban, Oran, Bucarban, Diabecid, Diaboral, Glucidoral , Hypoglysamid, Invenol, Midosal, Nadisan, Orabetic , Oranil, Sulfadiabet and others.

The white crystalline powder slightly bitter taste. Practically insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol.

Rapidly absorbed in the digestive tract, with max of 1 h, T 1/2 - 36 hours; biotransformaschsh exposed in the liver, excreted by the kidneys.

Saharoponizhayuschih karbutamida effect is most pronounced in the first 5-7 hours after administration and lasts up to 12 hours (after a single dose).

As with other drugs in this group, it is mainly used for patients with diabetes type II.

Assign inside (1 hour before eating). Early treatment taken 2 g per day - 1 g (2 tablets of 0.5 g) in the morning (typically 7-8 hours) and 1 g - night (17-18 h). Increasing doses of more than 2 g to growth effect typically does not.

After 2 weeks after removal of glycosuria and normalization of blood glucose dose may be decreased to 1 g in the morning and 0.5 g in the second half of the day, while maintaining a good performance over the same period - up to 0.5 g in the morning and 0.5 Mr evening. The drug at this dose was continued for at least 1 month and later with good indicators reduce the daily dose to 0.5 grams or 0.25 or less (depending on the study results).

In mild cases, treatment can begin with a dose of 0.5 g 2 times a day with the subsequent increase with little effect.

When transferring patients receiving insulin (when carbohydrate metabolism disturbances are compensated by insulin in doses of less than 40 IU per day), on carbutamide last administered in a dose of 1 g, 2 times a day, and insulin dose reduced by half. Further refinement of the dose of insulin, its reduction or elimination of the drug produced under the control of urine (glucose and acetone) and blood (glucose). If compensation for diabetic disorders require less than 10 units of insulin per day, it can be canceled immediately and assign carbutamide 1 g 2 times per day.

In cases where the first weeks of treatment karbutamida hyperglycemia and glycosuria are not eliminated, usually move to a more active drug or a drug with combined sulphanylamide biguanidinovym, if the compensation of metabolic disorders can not be achieved using insulin.

karbutamida treatment, as well as other similar drugs is carried out under medical supervision. Patients should follow a diet. Neobhododimo regularly monitor blood glucose (in the morning on an empty stomach) and in daily urine; before and in the early days of treatment, these studies are carried out on a daily basis. In the course of treatment should be regularly carried out blood tests.

Possible side effects: hypoglycemia, dyspeptic symptoms (due to suppression of intestinal microflora), abnormal liver function, and thyroid gland, leucopenia, atranulotsitoz, hemolytic anemia, allergic reactions. If side effects persist, the drug overturned.