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Description of the medicine: Progesterone (Progesteronum)

PROGESTERON (Progesteronum).

Pregnen-4-dione-3, 20.

Synonyms: Agolutin, Akrolutin, Gestone, Glanducorpin, Gynlutin, Lipolutin, Lucorten, Luteine, Luteogan, Luteopur, Luteostab, Luteosterone, Lutocyclin, Lutoform, Lutogyl, Lutren, Lutromon, Lutrone, Progelan, Progesteroid, Progesterone, Progestin, Proluton, Syngestrone and Other

White crystalline powder. Virtually nerastvorim in water, soluble in alcohol, hardly soluble in vegetable oils.

It is a hormone of the yellow body. For medical use are obtained synthetically. A number of synthetic preparations similar in structure to progesterone have also been obtained (see Pregnin, Norethisterone, etc.) and are active progestins, i.e., substances with progester-like activity.

Endogenous progesterone causes the transition of the uterine mucosa from the phase of proliferation caused by the follicular hormone to the secretory phase, and after fertilization promotes its transition to a state necessary for the development of a fertilized egg. It also reduces the excitability and contractility of the musculature of the uterus and the fallopian tubes, stimulates the development of the terminal elements of the mammary gland.

A similar effect is exerted by synthetic progesterone and its analogs when used as medicines.

Progesterone is prescribed for amenorrhea, anovulatory uterine bleeding, infertility, miscarriage of pregnancy, algodismenore on the basis of hypogenitalism. Introduce in the form of oil solutions intramuscularly or subcutaneously.

For bleeding associated with ovarian dysfunction, appoint 0.005-0.015 g (5-15 mg) daily for 6-8 days. If the curettage of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity has been previously performed, the injections begin 18 to 20 days later. If you can not make a scraping, inject progesterone and during bleeding. When using progesterone during bleeding, it may temporarily (for 3 to 5 days) intensify; It is recommended to make a blood transfusion (200 - 250 ml) in a highly anemic patient. With stopped bleeding should not interrupt treatment before 6 days. If the bleeding did not stop after 6 to 8 days of treatment, further administration of progesterone is impractical.

With hypogenitalism and amenorrhea, treatment begins with the appointment of estrogen preparations in order to cause sufficient proliferation of the endometrium. Immediately after the end of the use of estrogen preparations prescribe progesterone in the form of injections of 5 mg daily or 10 mg every other day for 6 to 8 days (see Estrone).

With algodismenosis (dysmenorrhea), progesterone often reduces or eliminates pain. Treatment begins 6 to 8 days before menstruation. The drug is administered daily for 5 or 10 mg for 6 to 8 days. The course of treatment can be repeated several times. Treatment with progesterone algodismenoreism associated with uterine underdevelopment can be combined with the appointment of estrogen preparations. Estrogens are administered at a rate of 10,000 units every other day for 2-3 weeks; Then progesterone is administered within 6 days.