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Description of the medicine: Misoprostol (Misoprostol)

MISOPROSTOL (Misoprostol).

Synthetic analogue of prostaglandin E.

It consists of two diastereoisomers (in the ratio 1: 1).

Synonyms: Saitotec, Cytotec, Cytotec.

Powder, which forms a viscous liquid when diluted with water.

Has antisecretory activity. When ingestion (in the form of tablets) reduces the secretion of hydrochloric acid, stimulates the secretion of bicarbonate and mucus, has a cytoprotective effect. The action usually develops 30 minutes after ingestion and lasts about 3 hours.

They are used mainly to prevent the ulcerogenic effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (see), including acetylsalicylic acid. Accepted simultaneously with anti-inflammatory drugs during the entire time they are taken.

Assign adults to 0.2 mg (200 μg) 3 - 4 times a day during meals. The last dose is taken shortly before sleep. In case of poor tolerance, single dose is reduced to 0.1 mg (100 μg). Children under 18 years of age are not prescribed a drug (there is not enough observation).

When used, nausea, diarrhea, stomach pain, rarely skin rash, swelling, drowsiness, hypo- or hypertension and other side effects are possible.

Contraindicated in pregnancy (causes a reduction in the musculature of the uterus). When kidney disease is necessary to reduce the dose (the drug in significant amounts is excreted in the urine).

Product: tablets of 0.2 mg (200 μg) in a package of 100 pieces.

Storage: in a dry place.