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Description medications: Cyanocobalamin (Cyanocobalaminum)

CYANOCOBALAMIN (Cyanocobalaminum).

Vitamin B 12 (Vitaminum in 12).

With a - [a - (5, 6-dimethylbenzimidazole) -kobamidtsianid b-Co, or a - (5-benzimidazolyl 6dimetil) -kobamidtsianid.

Cinonimy: Actamin B12, Almeret, Anacobin, Antinem, Antipernicin, Arcavit B12, Bedodec, Bedoxyl, Bedumil, Berubigen, Biopar, Catavin, Cobastab, Cobavite, Cobione, Curibin, Cycobemin, Cycoplex, Cytacon, Cytamen, Cytobex, Cytobion, Dancavit B12 , Distivit, Dobetin, Dociton, Dodecavit, Emobione, Grisevit, Hepagon, Lentovit, Megalovel, Novivit, Pernapar, Redamin, Reticulogen, Rubavit, Rubivitan, Rubramin, Vibicon and others.

Crystalline powder dark red color, without odor. Hygroscopic. It is soluble in water; solutions have a red (or pink) color. Solutions sterilized at + 100 C for 30 min. Prolonged vitamin autoclaving destroyed. Oxidizing the reducing substances (e.g., ascorbic acid) and salts of heavy metals contribute to the inactivation of vitamin. Microflora quickly absorb vitamin B12, therefore solutions should be stored under aseptic conditions.

A characteristic feature of the chemical molecule of cyanocobalamin is the presence of cobalt atoms and cyano group, forming a coordination complex.

Vitamin B 12 (cyanocobalamin) animal tissue is formed. Its synthesis is carried out by microorganisms in nature, mainly bacteria, actinomycetes, blue-green algae. In humans and animals is synthesized by intestinal microflora, where it comes to the bodies accumulating in the largest quantities in the kidney, liver, bowel wall. Synthesis in the intestines the body's need for vitamin B 12 is not fully guaranteed; Additional amounts come from animal products. Vitamin B 12 is contained in different amounts for medicinal products derived from the liver of animals (see. Vitogepat).

The body turns into the cyanocobalamin form adenosyl cobalamin coenzyme or kobamamid (cm.), Which is the active form of vitamin B12.

Cyanocobalamin has high biological activity. It is a growth factor necessary for normal hematopoiesis and maturation of red blood cells; involved in the synthesis of labile methyl groups, and in the formation of choline, methionine, creatine, nucleic acids; It promotes accumulation in erythrocytes of compounds containing sulfhydryl groups. It has a beneficial effect on the function of the liver and nervous system.

Cyanocobalamin activates blood clotting; in high doses causes an increase in activity and the activity tromboplasticheskoy prothrombin.

It activates the metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids. Atherosclerosis slightly lowers cholesterol, improves letsitinholesterinovy ​​index.

Cyanocobalamin has a pronounced therapeutic effect in Addison's disease - Birmera, agastricheskih anemia (after gastrectomy) with anemia due to polyposis and syphilis of the stomach, with anemia accompanying enterocolitis, as well as other pernitsioznopodobnyh anemias, including those resulting from the invasion broad tapeworm, in pregnancy, and so sprue. g.