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Description medications: Tocopherol acetate (Tocopheroli acetas)

Tocopherol acetate (Tocopheroli acetas). 6-Acetoxy-2-methyl-2- (4, 8, 12-trimethyl-tridecyl) -chroman.

Synonyms: Vitamin E acetate, a-Tocopherol Acetate, Almefrol, Egevit, Esol, Evitaminum , Evitan, Fertiligen, Gonavil, Phytoferol, Profecundin, Tocofyn, a-Tocopherol, Tocovit, Vitaplex E et al.

Light yellow transparent viscous oily liquid with a faint odor. In light oxidizes and darkens.

Tocopherol acetate is a synthetic preparation of vitamin E. Entitled "Vitamin E" is known for a number of compounds (tocopherols), similar in chemical nature and the biological effect. The most active of these is a tocopherol.

Tocopherols are contained in the green parts of plants, especially in young sprouts of cereals; rich in tocopherols vegetable oils (sunflower, cottonseed, corn, peanut, soybean, sea buckthorn). A number of them also contained in meat, fat, eggs, milk.

Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant agent (antioxidant). It protects various substances from oxidative modification. Involved in the biosynthesis of heme and protein, cell proliferation in tissue respiration and other critical processes of cell metabolism.

An important role vitamin E plays in the body's activities. In animals deprived of vitamin E, found degenerative changes in skeletal muscle and heart muscle, marked increase in the permeability and capillary fragility, degeneration of epithelium seminiferous tubules of the testes. In embryos arise hemorrhage, intrauterine death occurs them. There are also degenerative changes in the nerve cells and damage the liver parenchyma. With vitamin E deficiency may be associated hemolytic neonatal jaundice, steatorrhea, malabsorption syndrome, and others.

Recently, attention attracted antioxidant tocopherol (See. Antigipoksanty and antioxidants.).

The antioxidant properties of drugs also have BHT (cm.), Emoksipin (cm.) And a number of other medicines. These agents inhibit lipid peroxidation (LPO). Due to the fact that a number of pathological processes are activated and the accumulation of lipids peroxidation products in the tissues and organs (including plasma), antioxidants have been used in the treatment of various diseases. Particularly widespread use received tocopherol acetate.

Mainly tocopherol acetate is used as a remedy for muscular dystrophy, dermatomyositis, amotroficheskom lateral sclerosis, menstrual irregularities, threatened abortion, violation of gonadal function in men. There is evidence of the effectiveness of tocopherol in some dermatoses, psoriasis, peripheral vascular spasm.

In pediatric practice tocopherol is effective for scleroderma, malnutrition and other diseases.