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Description medications: karipazina (Caripazinum)

Karipazina (Caripazinum)

The amount of proteolytic enzymes derived from the dried milky juice of papaya tree, or papaya (Sarisa raraua L.), herewith. papaya (Sariasaseae).

White with a yellow tinge liofilizipovanny powder or porous mass.

Easily soluble in water.

Contains enzymes: papain, chymopapain (A and B), peptidases (A and B).

The proteolytic activity is expressed in units (PUs). At 1 mg product contains at least 3, 5 PE.

Karipazina breaks down necrotic tissue liquefies viscous secretion, exudate. Close on the action of trypsin and chymotrypsin.

Apply for burns (III degree) to accelerate the rejection of scab and to cleanse granulating wounds from necrotic masses.

Applied locally in the form of 0.5%; 1% or 2% solution (depending on the thickness of scab). The solution was prepared immediately before use 0.5% solution of novocaine or isotonic sodium chloride solution. Cloth dampened with a drug applied to the burn surface, cover waterproof bandage, which change 1 time per day, or 1 every 2 days, while otsloivshiesya removing necrotic tissue. course of treatment for 4 to 12 days.

When using karipazina possible allergichesiie reaction. In these cases a desensitizing therapy.

Product: 100 mg (350 PE) in hermetically-sealed vials.

Storage: Keep in a dry, dark place at a temperature no higher than 4 C.