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Description medications: Pepsin (Pepsinum)

Pepsin (Pepsinum).

Pepsin is one of the main proteolytic enzymes of the digestive tract. It is produced in the cells of the gastric mucosa in an inactive form - as a proenzyme pepsinogen, which is converted to the active enzyme pepsin in gastric contents.

Pepsin hydrolyzes peptide bonds and breaks down almost all natural proteins; It plays an important role in digestion. For medical use as a medicament prepared pepsin from porcine stomach mucosa.

Available in a mixture with powdered sugar.

White or slightly yellowish powder sweet taste with a weak kind zapahom. Soluble in water and 20% alcohol.

Applied usually in combination with hydrochloric acid diluted (cm.) For digestive disorders: ahilii, hypo anatsidnyh gastritis, dyspepsia, etc...

Assign inside of 0.2 - 0.5 g (children from 0.05 to 0.3 g) to receive 2 - 3 times a day before meals or during meals (or powders 1 - 3% diluted hydrochloric acid solution ).

Product: powder.

Storage: a well-sealed jars in a cool (between +2 to +15 C), protected from light.

Rp .: Rersini 2 0

Ac. hydrochloridi diluti 5 ml

AQ. destill. 200 ml

MDS 1 - 2 tablespoons of 2 - 3 times per day with meals

Rp .: Rersini 1 0

Ac. hydrochloridi diluti 1 ml

AQ. destill. ad 100 ml

MDS At 1 teaspoon 3 times a day with meals child 1 year

Tablets acidin-pepsin (Tabulettae Asidin-rersini). Tablets containing 1 part to 4 parts pepsin acidin (Betaine hydrochloride). When administered into the stomach of betaine hydrochloride separates easily hydrolyzed and the free hydrochloric acid; 0.4 g of betaine hydrochloride correspond with approximately 16 drops of diluted hydrochloric acid.

Apply with hypo- and anatsidnyh gastritis, ahilii, dyspepsia.

Form release: pills for 0.5 and 0.25 g

Adult dose: 1 tablet of 0.5 g of 3 - 4 times per day, for children - 1/4 tablets (weight 0.25 g) 2.1 to tablets (weight: 0.5 g) according to the age 3 - 4 times a day. Tablets before taking dissolved in 1/4 - 1/2 cup of water. Take during or after meals.

Similar tablets are produced abroad under the title: Asidolrersin, Asipepsol, Vetacid, Rersacid, Rersamin and others.