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Description of the medicine: Natural gastric juice (Succus gastricus naturalis)

Natural gastric juice (Succus gastricus naturalis).

Natural gastric juice. Obtained from healthy dogs through a fistula of the stomach with imaginary feeding (according to the method proposed by IP Pavlov).

Transparent colorless or slightly opalescent liquid of acid taste with a weak specific odor. It can be preserved with salicylic acid (0.03-0.04%).

Contains all the enzymes of gastric juice; The free acid content is 0.45-0.51%; PH 0.8 - 1, 2.

Applied internally with insufficient function of the gastric glands, achilles, hypo- and anacid gastritis, dyspepsia.

Assign adults to 1 - 2 tablespoons; Children aged 3 years to 1/2 - 1 teaspoon, 3 to 6 years, 1 dessert spoon, 7 to 14 years, 1 dessert - 1 tablespoon 2 to 3 times a day during or after meals.

Product: in bottles of 100 ml.

Storage: in well-ukuporennyh bottles, in the dark place at a temperature of + 2 to +10 'C. When stored in a warm place, it quickly loses its activity.

Natural gastric juice, corresponding to the action of gastric juice obtained from dogs, can also be obtained from other animals (horses).

Natural gastric juice "Ekvin" practically does not differ from the action of natural gastric juice (obtained from dogs); Is used in the same doses.

Product: in bottles of 100 ml.