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Before taking the course, consult a doctor!
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Description of the medicine: Orazum


A preparation containing a complex of amylolytic and proteolytic enzymes obtained from the culture of the fungus Aspergillus oryzae.

Amorphous powder from light yellow to dark yellow color with a specific smell. It is soluble in water and in isotonic sodium chloride solution.

For medical use is available in the form of granules.

Granulate Orazi (Granulae Orazi) - grains of irregular shape, light brown color.

Oraza contains amylase, maltase, protease and lipase, which promote the digestion of essential nutrients. It does not degrade in gastric juice, it retains activity in the intestine.

Applied in digestive disorders, which occur with suppression of the function of the digestive glands, with anacid and hypocidal gastritis, chronic hepatocholecystitis; Gastric ulcer with decreased secretion, subacute and chronic pancreatitis with impaired excretory function, chronic spastic colitis with a tendency to constipation.

Take 1/2 - 1 teaspoon of pellets oraza 3 times a day (during or after meals). A teaspoon contains 2 g of granules, which corresponds to 0.2 g of oraza.

The duration of treatment is usually 2 to 4 weeks. If necessary, the course can be extended or periodically repeated.

In some patients with diarrhea, diarrhea may be worse. In such cases, you should reduce the dose or cancel the drug.

The form of release: granules in glass banks on 100 g:

Storage: in a cool dry place.