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Description of the medicine: Protamine sulfate (Protamini sulfas)

PROTAMINA SULFAT (Protamini sulfas).

A preparation of protein origin, obtained from the sperm of different species of fish. Contains arginine, proline, serine, alanine and other amino acids. For medical purposes, mainly use protamine (salmin), derived from salmon sperm.

The drug has a specific antihemorrhagic effect with bleeding caused by heparin. Effective with some types of hemorrhages associated with heparin-like disorders of blood coagulation.

Apply protamine sulfate, if necessary, to neutralize the effect of excess exogenous heparin: with its overdose, after operations with the use of extracorporeal circulation and the use of heparin, etc.

Produced in the form of 1% solution for injection (Solutio Protamini sulfatis 1% pro injectionibus), is a clear, colorless liquid; PH 4, 0 - 6, 0.

The activity of the preparation is determined by the biological method by the ability to neutralize the anti-coagulant effect of heparin in bovine or sheep plasma in vitro, in the presence of excess calcium chloride. Activity is expressed in units of action (ED). In 1 ml of a 1% solution should contain at least 750 units; 1 mg neutralizes approximately 85 units of heparin.

Introduce a solution of protamine sulfate intravenously struino or drip under the control of blood coagulability.

The jet is injected slowly at a rate of 1 ml of a 1% solution in 2 minutes. If protamine sulfate is administered no later than 15 minutes after the administration of heparin, 0.1-0.12 ml of a 1% protamine sulfate solution is required to neutralize 100 units of heparin. At large intervals between administrations, the dose of protamine sulfate can be reduced. If necessary, injections of protamine sulfate are repeated at intervals of 15 to 30 minutes; The total dose is usually 5 ml of a 1% solution. With hyperheparinemia associated with extracorporeal circulation, the dose of protamine sulfate can be increased; The solution is injected with drip.

With the introduction of a solution of protamine sulfate, allergic reactions (like urticaria) are possible; In these cases, desensitizing agents are used.

In rare cases of idiopathic and congenital hyperheparinemia, with the introduction of protamine sulfate, a "paradoxical" effect can be observed - increased bleeding.

Protamine sulfate is contraindicated in cases of severe hypotension, thrombocytopenia, insufficiency of the adrenal cortex.

Product: 1% solution in neutral glass bottles of 5 ml or in ampoules of 2 and 5 ml.

Storage: at a temperature not lower than + 4 ° C. Freezing is not allowed.