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Description of the medicine: Aminocaproic acid (Acidum aminocapronicum)

AMINOCAPRONIC ACID (Acidum aminocapronicum). E-Aminocaproic acid.

Synonyms: Epsilon-aminocaproic acid, Asisarron, Asidum aminocaproicum, Amibrin, Amicar, Aminocaproic asid, Aminocapron, Sarracid, Sarramol, Epsamon, Ersicapron and others.

Colorless crystals or white crystalline powder, odorless and tasteless. Easily soluble in water, very little in alcohol; Hygroscopic. The solutions are sterilized at a temperature of + 100 ° C for 30 minutes.

Amino-caproic acid is a substance that inhibits fibrinolysis (see Fibrinolysin). By blocking the activators of plasminogen and partially inhibiting the action of plasmin, aminocaproic acid may have a specific hemostatic effect in bleeding associated with increased fibrinolysis.

Amino-caproic acid is also an inhibitor of kinins (biogenic polypeptides formed in the body from globulins under the influence of kallikrein).

The drug is low toxicity. With normal kidney function, quickly (after 4 hours) is excreted in the urine.

Applied for stopping bleeding during surgical interventions and various pathological conditions in which the fibrinolytic activity of blood and tissues is increased: after operations on the lungs, prostate, pancreas and thyroid gland, with premature detachment of the normally located placenta; Prolonged retention in the uterus of a dead fetus; Liver diseases; Acute pancreatitis; Hypoplastic anemia, etc. Amino-caproic acid is also administered with massive transfusions of canned blood, if there is a possibility of development, secondary hypofibrinogenemia.

Assign intravenously and inside. With a moderately pronounced increase in fibrinolytic activity, take 2 to 3 g orally 3 to 5 times a day; The powder is dissolved in sweet water or washed down with it. The daily dose is usually 10 - 15 g. The course of treatment 6 - 8 days. For rapid effect in acute hypophybrinogenemia, intravenously sterile 5% solution of the drug is administered on isotonic sodium chloride solution dropwise to 100 ml. If necessary, repeat the infusion at intervals of 4 hours, introducing 1 g.

The use of the aminocaproic acid solution can be combined with the infusion of a solution of glucose, hydrolysates, anti-shock solutions. In acute fibrinolysis, fibrinogen is additionally introduced (see).

When prescribing aminocaproic acid, it is necessary to check the fibrinolytic activity of the blood and the content of fibrinogen.

Intravenous administration of the drug is recommended to be performed under the control of a coagulogram.

Amino-caproic acid also has anti-allergic activity, inhibits the formation of antibodies, increases the detoxification function of the liver.

With the use of aminocaproic acid in some cases, dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, mild catarrh of the upper respiratory tract. When the dose is reduced, the side effects usually go away.