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Description medications: Fibrinogen (Fibrinogenum)

Fibrinogen (Fibrinogenum).

It is a natural part of the blood. Transition of fibrinogen to fibrin, occurring under the influence of thrombin, provides the final stage of the blood coagulation process - the formation of a clot.

Fibrinogen is used as a haemostatic agent, obtained from blood plasma from donors.

Dry porous mass of white or cream-colored. The drug should be dissolved in not more than 10 minutes in the specified amount of water on the label heated to + 25 or + 35 'C; The pH of the resulting solution 6, 5 - 7, opalescent solution was 4. (The solution may contain a small amount of flakes; after filtration through a standard system for blood transfusion he had not floc dolzhensoderzhat and other impurities.).

Apply the fibrinogen at hypo-and afibrinogenemia, bleeding in trauma, surgery, oncology practice, massive bleeding in obstetric and gynecologic practice (premature detachment of the placenta, birth on the background of hypo- and afibrinogenemia et al.), And other bleeding associated with reduced fibrinogen in blood.

From prevention to fibrinogen used in preparation for surgery in patients with hypofibrinogenemia.

Enter the fibrinogen solution into a vein through an infusion system with filter, drip. Ex tempore preparation is dissolved in water for injection, heated to a temperature from + 25 to + 35 'C; the amount of water indicated on the label (on the bottle). The solution should be used no later than one hour after its preparation. Dose depends on the indication and ranges from 0.8 to 8, and more than 0 g. The average dose is usually 2 - 4 years

Fibrinogen is contraindicated in prethrombotic states, thrombosis of varying etiology, increased blood clotting, heart attack.

Product: in the hermetically-sealed glass bottles with a capacity of 250 ml or 500, respectively, containing 1 g (0.2 g # 1) or 2 g (1, 0.1 g of # 9) of coagulable protein (fibrinogen). To the bottle is attached to the infusion system with a filter.

Storage: at a temperature between + 2 to + 10 'C in a dry, dark place. Storage preparation at a temperature above + 10 'C causes denaturation of the fibrinogen.