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Description medications: Detsilat (Decilatum)

DETSILAT (Decilatum).

A solution of 2-methyl-7-4-etilundetsil sodium sulfate.

Synonyms: Trombovar, Obliterol, Sotradecol, Tergitol-4, Trombovar, Varicol and others.

Available in the form of 1% and 3% solution (in phosphate buffer) in 2 ml ampoules. Clear, colorless liquid.

Detsilat is venoskleroziruyuschim preparation having surface-active properties. Detsilata solution, when injected into a vein causes blood clots with a subsequent thrombus formation and fusion of the vessel wall.

Apply for the conservative-injection of sclerosing treatment of varicose veins. The drug used in the treatment of patients with early and uncomplicated forms of moderate varicose superficial veins and varicose veins with disseminated type, when surgical removal of varicose areas virtually impossible. In combination therapy, detsilat used in combination with surgical treatment, as well as in the postoperative period for sclerotherapy "disconnected" varicose tributaries of the saphenous veins.

detsilatom Treatment is carried out only with absolute confidence in the good permeability of deep and communicative lower limbs. Before the course venoskleroziruyuschey therapy is necessary to make a trial introduction detsilata to identify possible individual intolerance. Before drug administration, the patient in standing position, selecting one of the most distally disposed expressed varices, which are introduced perpendicular to the skin surface of a needle (syringe without). Once the needle begins to enter the blood of the patient is placed on his back, a leg lift angle of 30 - 40 '. After the introduction of the puncture site detsilata pressed sterile gauze ball, and the needle is removed. The puncture site is closed bandage, foot rest in the raised position, bandages, elastic bandage from the toes to the upper thigh. To prevent possible damage, detsilata action on the endothelium of deep vein thrombosis and their subsequent, ill immediately after the injection of the drug should be energetically walk at least 2 - 3 hours.

When the need for a phased-injection of sclerosing treatment, hardening of the superficial veins begin with lateral branches, and in the main vein trunk detsilat introduced last.

With moderate varicose veins and the presence of soft, easy to fall down nodes, use 1% detsilata solution, and the presence of large assemblies with thick dense walls - 3% solution of the drug. For one session drug therapy administered 2 - 6 points of 0.5 - 2 ml each.

In the presence of an extensive process of advanced varicose injection solution detsilata repeated 2 - 10 times at intervals of 3 - 5 days. The maximum amount of drug per course of treatment is 6 - 30 ml of a 1% solution, and 4 - 10 ml of a 3% solution.