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Description of the medicine: Methionine (Methioninum)

Methionine (Methioninum).

D, L-a-Amino-g-methylthiobutyric acid.

Synonyms: Acimetion, Athinon, Banthionine, Meonine, Metione, Thiomedon.

White crystalline powder with a characteristic odor (mercapto compounds) and a slightly sweetish taste. Slightly soluble in water.

Methionine is one of the essential amino acids necessary to maintain growth and nitrogen balance of the body. The special role of this amino acid in metabolism is due to the fact that it contains a mobile methyl group (-CH3), which can be transferred to other compounds. Thus, it participates in a process of re-methylation, which is very important for the life of the organism (See also Choline Chloride, Calcium Pangamate.)

The ability of methionine to give the methyl group is due to its lipotropic effect (removal of excess fat from the liver). By giving away a mobile methyl group, methionine promotes the synthesis of choline with insufficient formation of which a violation of the synthesis of phospholipids from fat and the deposition of neutral fat in the liver are associated.

Lipotropic property is also possessed by the protein casein (and containing its cottage cheese), which contains a significant amount of methionine.

Methionine is involved in the synthesis of epinephrine, creatine and other biologically important compounds; Activates the action of hormones, vitamins (B 12, ascorbic and folic acid), enzymes. By methylation and transsulfation, methionine detoxifies toxic products.

Methionine is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases and toxic liver damage (cirrhosis, arthritis, chloroform, benzene and other substances), as well as chronic alcoholism, diabetes, etc. The effect is more pronounced with fatty infiltration of liver cells. With viral hepatitis, methionine is not recommended. Methionine is prescribed for the treatment of dystrophy resulting from protein deficiency in children and adults after dysentery and other chronic infectious diseases.

The introduction of methionine in atherosclerosis causes a decrease in the content and blood of cholesterol and an increase in the level of phospholipids. The phospholipid / cholesterol ratio is higher.

Assign inside 3 - 4 times a day. Single dose for adults 0.5-1.5 g, for children under 1 year - 0.1 g, up to 2 years - 0.2 g, from 3 to 4 years - 0.25 g, from 5 to 6 years - 0.3 grams, 7 years and older - 0.5 grams. Take for half an hour before meals. The course of treatment lasts 10 - 30 days. The drug can also be prescribed for courses of 10 days with 10-day intervals. In connection with an unpleasant odor, methionine is prescribed to adults in coated tablets, and to children - in tablets, as well as in a mixture with syrup, kissel, etc. When vomiting methionine is canceled.

Form release: powder; Coated tablets, 0.25 g.

Storage: in well ukuporennyh banks of orange glass in the dark place.

Rp .: Tab. Methionini 0.25 obd. N. 50