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Description of the medicine: Viceinum (Viceinum)

VICEIN (Viceinum).

Combined preparation containing cysteine ​​0.2 g, glutamic acid and glycolic 0.1 g, 1% sodium adenosine triphosphate acid solution 0.5 ml, thiamine bromide 0.02 g, nicotinic acid 0.03 g, potassium iodide 1, 5 g, calcium chloride and magnesium chloride, 0.3 grams, isotonic sodium chloride solution up to 100 ml.

A clear, colorless liquid with a faint odor of cysteine.

Apply in the form of eye drops. Indications for use are the same as for cysteine: senile, myopic, radiation and contusional cataracts in the initial stage, a moderate decrease in visual acuity (not lower than 0.5). Assign a long 2 drops in the diseased eye 3 to 4 times a day.

With posterior cup-like cataract not used.

According to the action, the vicinine is close to the foreign preparation vitayodurolu (See also Vitafakol, Katalin).

It is produced in bottles of dark glass of 10 ml.

Storage: in a cool place.

The vial should be opened only at the time of taking the drops, since a prolonged contact with the air precipitates. When precipitation occurs, the droplets are considered to be unsuitable.

With proper storage, the drops remain clear for 8-10 days.