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Description of the drug: Rheopolyglucin with glucose (Rheopolyglucinum cum glucoso)

REOPOLYGLYUKIN WITH GLUCOSE (Rheopolyglucinum cum glucoso)

A solution of rheopolyglucin (10% dextran solution with a molecular weight of 30,000 - 40,000) with the addition of glucose, 100 ml of the solution contains 10 grams of reopolyglucin and 5 g of glucose in water for injection.

Transparent colorless liquid; PH 3, 0 - 6, 5; The relative viscosity at a temperature of + 25 ° C is not more than 5, 5.

The drug increases the suspension stability of blood, reduces its viscosity, helps restore blood flow in small capillaries, prevents and reduces the aggregation of blood cells. Under the influence of rheopolyglucin infusion with glucose, blood pressure normalizes, the volume of circulating blood increases, the activity of the heart improves.

Indications for use and dose are basically the same as for rheopolyglucin (in cases where the addition of glucose is advisable).

Contraindications are the same as for rheopolyglucin, as well as diabetes and other disorders of carbohydrate metabolism.

Product: in glass vessels of 50; 100; 200 and 400 ml.

Storage: in a dry place at a temperature of + 10 to + 25 'C.