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Description of the medicine: Rondex (Rondex)

RONDEX (Rondex).

A sterile 6% solution of dextran with a molecular weight of 60,000 + 10,000 in a 0.9% solution of sodium chloride.

Transparent liquid of yellow color; PH 4, 5 - 7, 0. Relative viscosity is not more than 2, 8.

A drug of hemodynamic action. Apply as a therapeutic (for the purpose of restoring blood pressure and the volume of circulating plasma) and a preventive agent, with blood loss and shock of various origins. According to the indications for use, dosages and contraindications is similar to polyglucin.

It differs mainly in the way of manufacturing.

Product: in glass bottles (for blood and blood substitutes) for 400 ml.

Storage: at a temperature of -10 to +20 'C.