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Pelvic fetal presentation

- Intrauterine fetal position, in which its pelvic area predlezhit the entrance to the mother's pelvis, distinguished breech (the presenting part is breech), mixed (buttock-Foot, complete breech), foot (full - predlezhat both legs incomplete - predlezhit one leg) . Pelvic position of the child is more common in women povtorporozhavshih. Childbirth at it may end spontaneously and quite normal. However, they differ for a number of features that are hazardous to the fetus, and sometimes for the mother. Often, from the very beginning there is a weakening of uterine activity. Disclosure of the pharynx is usually slower, even with a whole bag of water is early discharge of amniotic fluid, which can lead to various complications (eg, loss of the umbilical cord loops). expulsion period is often accompanied by secondary uterine inertia forces, fetal intracranial trauma and asphyxia. Breech presentation is a doctor, providing a variety of benefits in order to avoid various complications. When they arise, threatening not only the fetus, but also a mother, it is expedient to raise the issue of cesarean delivery. The frequency of complications during breech justify their assignment to the border states between normal and abnormal births.