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Premenstrual syndrome

At times, almost every woman experiences discomfort associated with menstruation. It may be breast tenderness, depression, irritability, acne on his face. Contrary to popular belief, few women less than 10 percent are suffering from very severe symptoms, because of which he could lose their jobs, give up their favorite.
Despite its high prevalence of premenstrual syndrome, the mysterious ailment that infect every month millions of women (and the degree of symptoms can vary in a very wide range, since there are up to 150 signs), little is known. Although suffering from the syndrome, it is studied, diagnosed, and sometimes use it to protect, doctors can not reach a consensus about its nature.

Infectious diseases for all
Women Health
Infectious diseases
Surgical diseases
Eye diseases
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skin diseases
Venereal diseases
Nerve disease
mental illness
Childhood diseases
First aid
Surgical diseases
Acute poisoning
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invalid food
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Internal illnesses