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sexual Problems

One side effect that is difficult to treat, is the damage to women's sexuality. Even if the operation has not left very strong traces, a woman may feel that her illness had violated her sexuality. "The support groups that we practice, explains Sipollini, many women say that they feel as if sexuality ceased to be such an important part of their lives as before. During the course of treatment strangers all the time, touch and examine their bodies. When this occurs, you experience the feeling as if your body does not belong to you anymore. You do not depend on what happens to your body either inside or outside. "
Some types of cancer can require the removal of genitals, vagina and sometimes in these cases is reduced or disappears completely sexual need or become impossible sexual intercourse. Many women with cancer, you need to therapeutic treatment to help them cope with this, because many of them will have to completely change the way of expression.
"Unfortunately, although the problem of sexuality is one of the most important for cancer patients, and patient and health professionals is very difficult to touch on this subject," says Sipollini.
"Patients do not want to ask, and the doctors do not want to ask, says Dr. Holland, in which the department is working on a very limited number of programs in the country, in accordance with which the staff learns to help patients with disorders in the sexual sphere. Attending physicians affect this theme in conversations with patients and discuss new ways of expressing sexuality. "