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general paralysis

One form of cerebral syphilis is characterized by the occurrence of meningoencephalitis (loss syphilitic treponema brain tissue and membranes). Ill progressive paralysis only 1-5% of survivors syphilis. Men are affected 3-5 times more often than women. The average age of onset between 35 and 50 years, ie, progressive paralysis develops in 10-15 years from the beginning of syphilis. The majority of applicants for treatment in a psychiatric hospital with progressive paralysis syphilitic nature of the disease is established either directly in the survey, either by accident when hospitalization in other hospitals, which have to do a blood test to Wasserman. If there is a positive result the patient consults venereal disease, which, in turn, determine the stage of disease and predominantly mental disorders, sends it to a psychiatrist. In other cases, the patient goes to a psychiatrist due to the abnormal behavior, or other mental health problems, who notice the surrounding (the patient is not usually a critical attitude to his illness), and the clinic is established nature of the disease. Patients learn their diagnosis, often perplexed about this, or even deny the existence of syphilis in the past because they either do not really pay attention to the light manifestation of the disease on 1 and 2 stages of the disease, or have not been for one reason or another full course of treatment.
Symptoms and over:
At the initial stage of the disease appear nonspecific complaints of headaches, fatigue, irritability, sleep disturbances, lethargy. However, pretty soon there are signs of reduction of personality to the loss of skills, moral attitudes, intellectual level. They can not concentrate, become forgetful, inconsistent in carrying out their usual functions (eg, at work). Not only lost the consciousness of disease, but also appears unjustified optimism, elevated mood, rude, explosiveness, disinhibition of instincts. In other patients, on the contrary, it is growing dullness, apathy, lethargy.
Average stage of the disease (paralytic dementia) characterized by the leveling of individual personality traits with complete loss of critics. Prevailing either complacent elation or dull indifference. Sharply deteriorating memory, increases dementia.
The initial stage (insanity) comes after an average of 3-5 years from the onset of the disease. By this time there is a complete breakdown of psychical activity, develops physical helplessness, leading to death. However, with current therapies, patients typically do not reach this stage, but remain at paralytic dementia.
In addition to mental disorders for paralichaharakterny progressive neurological manifestations: pupillary constriction, their uneven (anisocoria) and irregular shape, the lack of reaction of pupils to light. One of the early symptoms of a speech disorder (slurred speech), then there are seizures, changed handwriting, broken tendon reflexes.
At diagnosis used and the specific reaction of blood and cerebrospinal fluid for syphilis. The most famous of them - Wasserman reaction (RV).
Treatment progressive paralysis is conducting specific therapy with antibiotics (8 courses) in combination with biyohinolom. In the past, widely used three-day malaria inoculation method to increase the body temperature, promoting the death of Treponema pallidum (syphilis pathogen). Currently, this is done using sulfozinum, pirogenal. The results of treatment are different depending on the stage of disease (the earlier drawn patient, the prognosis is better), and the adequacy of therapy.
Prevention: the prevention of syphilis in general, and to conduct a full course of treatment in the early stages of the disease.