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Retin-A: saving cream

But what if you were roasting in the sun for years and now your face is clear evidence of this?
You can choose between a skin tightening, chemical desquamation or even you can decide to collagen injections to fill in wrinkles. Or ask your doctor if you can not try the cream Retin-A, means less potent, less expensive and gives good results.
Retin-A, a derivative of vitamin A, is the tool that doctors have long prescribed to treat acne. But with careful applying it on the face and hands of the skin is peeling, torn away dead cells, which often give the skin an "old" look, reduced wrinkles, reduced pore size, fade age spots, cream counteracts the thinning of the skin that comes with age, increases blood flow, restoring the face rosy glow that is usually associated with young years. Doctors believe that Retin-A can at least partially compensate for the damage caused by the skin of sunlight.
"Retin-A should be used under medical supervision, says Dr. Terezakis, because everyone has different skin and different degrees of damage. It is not free from some side effects. There may be redness, irritation, peeling. One thing you must firmly grasp: if you start using Retin-A, neither of which tanning can be no question. "
"You should also know that the treatment of Retin-A long process, adds Dr. Terezakis. Do not expect a miracle the next day. Although the first results you will notice after 8-16 weeks, the final effect can not be obtained earlier than in a year, but the results will improve with further use. And if you stop treatment at some point, your skin will gradually return to its former state. "