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Rubromycosis (rubrophytic)

It is the most common fungal disease (90% of all cases of mycosis of the feet).
It affects mainly the soles, palms, nails. In the pathological process can also be involved skin of the lower legs, buttocks, abdomen, back, face, sometimes it takes a very common nature.
Symptoms and course:
On the plantar surfaces of the feet, against the background of congestive hyperemia, there is a thickening of the stratum corneum, reaching the formation of homozolations with deep painful cracks. Typically, otrubrious (flint-like) peeling in the dermal grooves, because of what they seem to be traced chalk. When the nails of the feet and hands are damaged, grayish-yellow spots and streaks gradually appear in their thickness, gradually occupying the entire nail.
The diagnosis is confirmed by the presence in the scales from the lesions of the mycelium of the pathogenic fungus.
Combating excessive sweatiness, observance of elementary rules of personal hygiene, careful drying of interdigital intervals after bathing, wearing comfortable shoes, obligatory boiling of stockings and socks with subsequent ironing, etc. Rubber shoes and rubber insoles are a factor favorable for the development of mycosis. In the spring-summer period, preventive treatment of feet with fungicidal preparations is expedient. Public preventive maintenance includes hygienic maintenance of baths, shower installations, pools.
Depends on the nature of the changes. In cases of acute process with abundant moknutie and edema - in the beginning it is necessary to calm down the inflammatory phenomena. For this purpose, calmness is prescribed, cooling lotions alternating with warming compresses, for example, from Guljardova water, Burov's liquid (1-2 tablespoons per glass of water), 1-2% aqueous solution of nitric acid silver (lyapis) and 1-2 % Rivanol solution, etc. Large bubbles, after preliminary disinfection with alcohol, are pierced. It is necessary to carefully and daily remove scissors overhanging macerated horny layer. In allergic rashes - desensitizing therapy: intravenous infusion of 20% sodium hyposulfite solution; Milk and vegetarian table. It is necessary to monitor the correct function of the intestine.
As the inflammatory process subsides, pastes are prescribed: 2-3% boron-deggary, sulfur-tar or boron-naphthalan. At the final stage of external therapy, fungicidal solutions and ointments (Undecin, Mikozolone, Mikosentin, Tsinkundan) are used.
When rubromycosis of smooth skin, feet and palms, detach the stratum corneum with ointments or varnishes with keratolytic substances, lubricate with 2% alcohol solution of iodine followed by the use of ointments: "Mikozol", 3-5% sulfuric, sernosalicylic and tar.
It should be noted that the correct detachment of the stratum corneum is the key to successful treatment with fungicidal agents. Both the palms and the soles are processed alternately: first one, then the other. After a hot soap-soda bath (at the rate of 2-3 teaspoons of soda and 20-30 g of soap per liter of water) 2030% salicylic ointment or ointment containing 6% lactic acid and 12% salicylic is applied under the compress. After 48 hours, 510% salicylic ointment is applied. When treating the soles, patients should use crutches, otherwise at least the ointment will shift from the affected skin. In outpatient settings, it is better to use milky salicylic collodion: for 3 days daily lubricate the skin of the soles three times uniformly. After the application of keratolytic funds, a soap-bath is again made, and the horny masses are removed with a scalpel or a scabbard and scissors. In those cases when the skin was not completely cleared from them, 5% salicylic ointment was applied for 2-3 days. After detachment rub fungicidal ointments and solutions, it is advisable to alternate them every 3-4 days or ointments to apply at night, and solutions - in the afternoon. Once a week, foot (hand) baths are required.
Treatment of foci of rubromycosis outside the palms and soles is carried out from the very beginning by fungicidal means. Affected nails are removed, the nail bed is treated with antifungal patches, ointments and liquids. Simultaneously appoint a long (up to six months) inside griseofulvin or Nizoral. Treatment of onychomycosis is a very complex and time-consuming process. The effectiveness of therapy depends mainly on the thoroughness of the necessary manipulations.