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Hand massage

The most common was a classic massage. Its main methods are stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration.
Stroking is a technique that begins and ends the procedure. It can be planar and enveloping, and depending on the degree of pressure on the body - superficial (sparing reception) or deep (more intensive reception). Superficial stroking is used to reduce the increased muscle tone, nervous excitability, improve lymph and blood circulation. Deep stroking is used after the removal of the plaster bandage, with restriction or lack of movement in the joints.
Rubbing is the displacement or stretching of the skin along with the underlying tissues in different directions. Reception promotes stretching of adhesions, scars, resorption and removal of deposits in tissues, favorably affects neuritis, neuralgia, joint damage.
Mashing is a technique in which the impact on the tissue should be completely painless, but sufficiently deep to increase muscle tone, enhance their contractility, and significantly improve blood circulation.
Vibration is the most difficult method of massage. Movement, transmitted during vibration, spread beyond the massed area. Distinguish intermittent and intermittent vibration. The reception activates blood circulation, restorative processes in tissues, stimulates metabolism, and has analgesic effect.
Each basic classical device has its auxiliary - additional, the specificity of which is due to the anatomical features and functional state of the tissues of the massaged area. So, auxiliary methods during kneading are, in particular, shearing and stretching, used in scars adhesions, muscle contractures (restriction or absence of movements due to constant contraction of muscle or muscle group). The reception is performed with the thumbs, which are located at the sides of the rumen and stretch it in opposite directions. The combination of basic and auxiliary techniques of classical massage makes it possible to achieve the greatest therapeutic effect.