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Sexual Awakening

No matter how discouraged the manifestations of vaginismus, some doctors call this disorder critical for sexual life, for those who seek help, in most cases the outcome is positive. A method for getting rid of vaginismus with the help of plastic, rubber or glass expanders of different sizes has been developed. You begin to practice with the smallest expander, gently inserting it into the vagina, after a warm bath that is needed to relax the tissues. This should be done several times a day until the biggest one is introduced without difficulty. If you do not resist that someone else will do this for you, it will be easier for you to take the penis. Instead of expanders, you can also use your fingers.
It was also found that exercises on Kegel, arbitrary compression and relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles will help control the muscles of the vagina. Some people are helped by relaxation techniques or hypnosis.
"After the treatment, sexual life usually improves, soothes Dr. Zussman. Just discussing a sexual problem is already having a curative effect. Everyone is better when they begin to understand that the problem with sex is not so frightening and should not be as embarrassing as it seemed to them. "
See also: Suppressed sexual attraction.