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Anthrax - an acute infectious disease characterized by lesions mainly the skin. Zoonoses.
Cause. The causative agent of the disease - anthrax bacillus. It is extremely stable and can be stored for decades in the ground. leather tanning, as well as drying, salting and smoking of meat animals does not destroy the pathogen spores.
The reservoir of the pathogen is soil. Source - herbivores (cattle and small cattle, horses, camels, pigs). Sick animals are isolated pathogens in the urine, feces, and bleeding from the orifices.
Human infection occurs through contact with sick animals, contaminated skins, hair, wool, as well as using various products from contaminated raw materials (fur coats, hats, shaving brushes, and so on. n.). Infection is possible by eating poorly cooked meat, unboiled milk, as well as air-dust way.
Anthrax is widespread. Often found in the North Caucasus.
Settlement, which once appeared disease in humans or animals, considered to be permanently disadvantaged by anthrax.
The process of developing the disease. The causative agent is introduced into the deeper layers of the skin in the presence of her flaws (scratches, abrasions). Here, the focus of inflammation develops with a sharp swelling of the surrounding tissue. The causative agent is distributed throughout the body with the formation of inflammatory lesions in various organs.
Signs. The incubation period lasts from 2 to 14 days.
The disease begins unobtrusively gradually. On the skin of the hands, head, neck, torso or legs appears itching, a few rise above the level of the skin speck of red or purple color, often perceived by the patient as an insect bite, the site of which the skin seal is formed in the next day, increases the itching, turns into a burning sensation, formed bubble diameter of 2-3 mm. The contents of the vial first yellow, then quickly becomes dark. The vial is opened or when combing himself sick. The circumference of the resulting sores formed inflammatory roller and new vesicles that undergo changes such as. At the site of the sores scab formed black, resembles a shiny black coal. Due to the new open or eschar dries bubble size increases and may reach several centimeters. Eschar becomes hard and lumpy. From the outset, the bubble, and then are at eschar and edema densified skin. Swelling is particularly pronounced in lesions on the face or neck.
A feature of anthrax skin lesions is that the lost pain and temperature sensitivity within the affected tissues. Tingling needle painlessly.
Since the advent of swelling around the sores felt malaise, headache, increased body temperature, increases the severity of the patient's condition.
Recognition of the disease. Open skin lesions, with a black scab, surrounded by bubbles and ulcers, the presence of pronounced edema and loss of sensation.
To confirm the suspicion of anthrax produced bacteriological examination of the content of the skin lesion.
Treatment is carried out in an infectious diseases hospital.
Weather favorable.
Prevention of disease. In the room where the patient was, disinfection.
For persons who come into contact with patients, medical supervision is set for 8 days.