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The most serious disease (until AIDS has appeared). Pathogen - pale treponema, or pale spirochete - was discovered in 1905, "Pale" - because it is almost not stained with the usual aniline dyes adopted for this purpose in microbiology. Pale treponema has a spiral shape resembling a long thin corkscrew. It is extremely insidious: under unfavorable conditions it is covered with a dense shell and becomes impervious to medicinal substances. In this form, it can persist in the body for a long time, until at a favorable moment it again "revives", triggering the progression of the disease that was thought to be cured. Spiral-shaped forms of treponema multiply by division every 30-33 hours, "frozen" do not divide. In the initial stages of syphilis in the body are almost exclusively spiral, in late and with latent syphilis becomes more and more encapsulated. Used in the treatment of syphilis, penicillin acts only on spiral forms of treponema, so the effectiveness of the means is maximum in the first months of the disease.
To live a treponem requires a warm, moist - "living" biological environment. Therefore, infection occurs almost exclusively during sexual intercourse. The household way is transmitted mainly to small children, whose parents, having infectious manifestations on the mucous membrane of the mouth, try food from a spoon of the baby, sometimes even chew it for him, lick the nipple, etc. Pale treponema persists, for example, on wet underwear for many hours and even a few days. Drying or exposure to disinfectants quickly deprives it of mobility.
Optimum conditions for its vital activity are the body temperature of a person (37 ± C.) When heated to 55 ± C, microorganisms perish after 15 minutes, while boiling at once, while lower temperature, on the contrary, contributes to their survival. Days, at -18 ± Sokolo.For a long time, within 2 days, mobile treponema in the tissues of the deceased are preserved.
Pale treponema can be contained in the blood of people, even those who are in the incubation period. If such blood for some reason is transferred to a healthy one, then there will be an infection and there will be a so-called "transfusion" syphilis. Therefore, donor blood is necessarily examined for syphilis, subjected to conservation, keeping for 4 days, which ensures the death of bacteria. If accidentally, in an emergency situation, with direct transfusion, blood is taken from a patient with syphilis, then the person receiving it is given a preventive treatment. On a pale treponem, 0.5% solution of caustic alkali, as well as acid solutions, is destructive. Urine with a pronounced acid reaction, as well as some foods - sour milk, kvass, vinegar and even lemonade can destroy the pathogen. Immediately he perishes in soapy foam, and therefore washing hands with soap reliably protects from infection.
Penetration of the causative agent of syphilis into the human body occurs through a small - or completely unnoticed for the naked eye wound on the skin and mucous membranes. It is even considered that it can pass through intact integument. If a pregnant woman is sick with syphilis, the child becomes infected in utero. The likelihood of this is greatest if it has an early stage of syphilis, less often a late one. Then even an untreated woman can give birth to a completely healthy child.
Symptoms and course:
Syphilis is a very long illness. The rash on the skin and mucous membranes is replaced by periods when there are no external signs and the diagnosis can be made only after a blood test for specific serological reactions. Such latent periods can be prolonged for a long time, especially in later stages, when in the process of long coexistence the human organism and pale treponema adapt to each other, reaching a certain "balance".
Manifestations of the disease do not appear immediately, but after 3-5 weeks. The time before them is called incubation: bacteria spread with the current of lymph and blood throughout the body and multiply rapidly. When they become quite numerous and the first signs of the disease appear, the stage of primary syphilis begins. External symptoms of it are erosion or sore (hard chancre) at the site of penetration into the body of infection and an increase in the nearby lymph nodes that go untreated after a few weeks. After 6-7 weeks after this, there is a rash that spreads throughout the body. This means that the disease has passed to the secondary stage. During this time, rashes of different nature appear and, having existed for a while, disappear. Tertiary period of syphilis occurs in 5-10 years: on the skin appear nodes and tubercles.

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