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Chronic fatigue syndrome

This disease has many names in colloquial speech, for example flu yippie (yippie young, respectable climber). Do not dismiss it is serious. Chronic fatigue syndrome is characterized by a constant feeling of extreme fatigue, muscle pain, fever, lethargy and depression that lasted for months, and sometimes years.
"Although ill with the disease and everyone can, the classic version is a woman aged between 20 and 50 years, often much has achieved, educated, with a good speech," said Dedra Buhvald, MD, associate professor of medicine at Washington University and director of the clinic in Seattle specializing in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome.
Normally a sick hard to find a doctor who would seriously reacted to the described symptoms.
Ask, for example, 30-year-old Robert Holland. "I told each doctor that for three months I did not stop the headaches that joints and muscles hurt me, even when I lie, she says. I told them all that I can not collect my thoughts, I forget everything. I hardly even say the words. I say that all the time I feel completely exhausted, and at night I lie awake. " But all Roberts could not find someone who would take her words seriously.
Robert has worked in the medical library, and she found the answer to their questions. She was able to guess that it is chronic fatigue syndrome. But a study conducted by it did not help convince physicians.
Before she found someone who took with attention to her problem, she had been in half a dozen specialists. "The psychiatrist told me that I did not have chronic fatigue syndrome, and depression, she said. The therapist said that it can not be chronic fatigue syndrome, because the lymph glands are not swollen from me and no weakly expressed febrile phenomena, such as those that come with similar diseases with influenza. One of the doctors finally admitted to me that he does not believe in the existence of chronic fatigue syndrome. No wonder he could not diagnose it! "

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