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Severe congenital disease of the brain and spinal cord, due to the fact that cavities are often formed in the spinal cord, often associated with the normal central canal.
Symptoms and course:
The main manifestations of the disease are sensory disorders. Patients complain that they do not feel pain, can not determine a hot object or cold, so their hands are often burned, often patients injure them when cutting bread, sew, etc. The disease flows slowly, worsen its colds, trauma, heavy physical labor.
Recognition is difficult in the initial stage, with pronounced manifestations of the disease neurologist easily diagnoses uncharacteristic changes in sensitivity such as "half-jacket" or "jacket" (the patient does not feel jabs on the half of the chest, back and arm).
There is no specific, the patient needs to be monitored by a neurologist, with courses of vitamin therapy and physiotherapy 23 times a year. The prognosis for life is favorable, for recovery - doubtful.