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The pathological condition, characterized by swelling of the skin and subcutaneous tissue with their condensation. It is noted in preterm and debilitated children in the first 3-4 days of life. The development of scleredema is promoted by cooling.
Symptoms and course:
At first, a swelling appears on the limited area, the skin becomes pale, then dense and cold to the touch, while pressing on it remains a depression. The pubic region, external genital organs, hips, lower legs, feet are more often affected. As a rule, edema does not spread to the whole body, but in severe cases the process can be generalized.
Scleredem is distinguished with a sclera (see below), in which the skin and subcutaneous tissue become much denser (palms, soles and genitals are not affected), the child's condition is severe, the mobility of the lower jaw and limbs is limited.
Warm up the child, gentle massage (stroking), "iodine netting" on the area of ​​the affected areas, vitamin E, according to the indications - cardiac funds (inside, as patients with sclerosed drugs, injected subcutaneously, are not absorbed), hydrocortisone, etc.
The prognosis is favorable.