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Casual fresh wounds

Always infected, in addition, there is always the danger of secondary infection. When examining the victim and providing first aid, it is necessary to take this into account. Fresh wounds can not be probed or probed, since microbes can be introduced while those already present in the wound are moved to deeper areas. With first aid, the skin around the wound is cleaned of contamination with tampons moistened with ether or gasoline, and are widely lubricated with 5% tincture of iodine. After that, an aseptic dressing is applied and provides urgent delivery of the patient to the hospital for active primary surgical treatment with suturing. The best results are obtained in the first 12 hours after the injury and consists of removing infected tissues, restoring anatomical correlations of the damaged area and creating unfavorable conditions for the development of microflora. Any wound should be turned into a cut.
Primary treatment is not performed in severe general conditions (shock, acute anemia, etc.), the term is shifted to improve the patient's well-being; With a purulent infection in the wound.
In cases where the imposition of the primary suture (the possibility of infection) is contraindicated, resort to a delayed seam. The wound is sewn with threads that are left unbound for several days, after passing through the danger they are tied up and the wound is sewn up. For large wounds that are not sewn during the initial treatment, after they are filled with granulations, it is possible to apply secondary seams without excision or with partial excision of granulations (secondary wound treatment).