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Pain relief

Of all the fears that arise when a person finds out that he has cancer, as studies have shown, women are most afraid of pain. "Most people say that they are more scared of suffering when dying than death itself," says Sipollini.
As shown by a number of clinical observations, about half of all cancer patients during treatment suffer from pain caused by the disease itself or by treatment. Seventy percent of patients with advanced cancer suffer from severe pain. But there are a number of means by which you can satisfactorily relieve pain in more than 90 percent of patients.
Exercises for relaxation and correct behavior, usually used to relieve anxiety and depression, can be very useful in moderate pain and discomfort caused by cancer or its treatment, as non-chemical supplements to medicines. "They are particularly effective when the cancer patient is in a state of anxiety or depression," says Kathleen Folli, MD, who leads the anesthesia service at the Sloan-Kettering Memorial Cancer Center. Although these emotions do not cause physical pain, they can strengthen it. "
Some methods include the gradual relaxation of the muscles, when the patients one by one strain and relax the muscles; Meditation, presupposing a repetition in the mind of a word, which distracts attention from the woeful thoughts; And distraction, when you find yourself an exciting lesson, for example, immerse yourself in solving an arithmetic problem, mentally read poetry, in order to escape from pain or thoughts about the upcoming procedure. There are methods that use biological feedback, when using electronic sensors detect changes in body temperature and muscle tension; Hypnosis and even music therapy are also used.