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- An attack of sudden pain in the chest, which always meets the following criteria: a clear-cut time of occurrence and termination, appears under certain circumstances (walking normal, after a meal or with a heavy load, while accelerating the movement, uphill, sharp headwind, other physical effort); the pain begins to subside or cease altogether under the influence of nitroglycerin (1-3 minutes after receiving tabliki under the tongue). The pain is located behind the sternum (most typically), and sometimes - in the neck, jaw, teeth, arms, shoulder girdle, in the heart. The nature of it - crushing, squeezing, burning, or less painfully tangible behind the breastbone. At the same time may increase blood pressure, pale skin, covered with perspiration, heart rate ranges are possible beats (see. Arrhythmias).
Detection is carried out on the basis of patient questioning. Changes in the electrocardiogram are non-specific, there are not always. Further diagnosis can help test with dosed physical load (veloergometry - "bicycle", treadmill - "treadmill"), transesophageal atrial pacing. To determine the extent and prevalence of atherosclerotic lesions of the coronary arteries, as well as surgical treatment options allows coronary angiography.
Relief of angina: a language - a tablet of nitroglycerin, corinfar (kordafena, cordipin, foridona) korvatona (Sydnopharm). If necessary, the pills can be repeated. In the interictal period - prolonged nitropreparatov (nitrosorbid, Izodinit, sustak, nitrong, Soustons, etc.), Betaadrenoblokatory (obzidan, propranolol, atenolol, spesikor et al.), Calcium antagonists (verapamil, nifedipine, senzit) korvaton (Sydnopharm). If possible, surgical treatment - coronary artery bypass grafting (myocardial perfusion overlay path bypassing the narrowed section of the coronary arteries).